
All Profit Donations

100% of your contribution will go directly to the PTA general fund and impact your child’s educational experience at West Woods School. As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations are tax deductible. Donations of $75 or more will receive a letter of acknowledgement that can act as a receipt for your federal income tax return.

  1. Send your donation to the PTA Box in the school office in an envelope with your child's name and teacher's name marked. Make checks payable to the West Woods PTA.

  2. Or donate online through the MemberHub store.

Your supporting donation reduces the amount of fundraising we have to do throughout the year to meet our service goals to the school.

Thank you!

Company Matching Program

The West Woods PTA is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation may be eligible for a company match from your employer. Check with your HR Department to see if your company matches donations made by you.

If you need a copy of West Woods PTA’s 501(c)(3) Status Letter, please contact the Treasurer (